Monday, January 31, 2011

It feels good to write again

"We move forward in search of new adventures, but don't forget the past."
"Don't dwell," distant relations implore.
Moonlight strikes your eyes with effervescent passion. Your hand in mine, we're at war with ourselves again.
"I am here to fill the spaces between your fingers. Weren't you aware?"
Dawn approaches in it's own way. Singular is the universe in it's eye.
"Yield, almighty moon. We await your..."
We kiss again in the moonlight. Static electricity, or some other kind, erupts.
"You will remain."

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Sunflowers, blood & pixie cuts

Creativity overwhelms me in intermittent bursts. In these instances I decide to write about literally everything I am feeling. Some might call it T.M.I., other's, insight. Either way, you ended up here, and after a long sabbatical from blogging, I'm going to attempt to jump back in. Enjoy.

Tonight, while listening to Passion Pit's "Little Secrets" I stumbled upon a website about pencil lead art. I can only imagine how long each piece takes to complete but nevertheless, this artist is simply amazing. Click here to see for yourself.

Also, contemplating my hairstyle seemed to take up most of these early morning hours in which I write. Emma Watson (Harry Potter, Ballet Shoes & The Tale of Despereaux) has grown up since starting her acting career over 10 years ago. Her gorgeous new haircut can be seen here. Too few of us can pull off that pixie-style cut. I personally love it.

My mind wonders now, my interest piqued by Spartacus: Gods of The Arena. Until later...